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Saturday 15 May 2010

The Princess in the woods

We went for a lovely family walk today to bluebell woods in Ashridge and on our way there we drove past the Ashridge College which looks very like a castle. The girls asked if a princess lived in the castles and I on true make believe mode said "yes of course" so when we got to the woods and Grace shouted out "Mummy there is the Princess" you can imagine my surprise when sure enough we saw what could to the eyes of a 4 year old and a 3 year old very well have been a Princess. As the said Princess then approached the girls became very shy and excited especially when the Princess actually said hello!
So for those who are reading this who are wondering what the Princess looked like I have attached some photos to help solve the mystery.


  1. Wonderful!!! I always knew there was a princess in them there woods!!

  2. Lovely story. I think the first picture is soooo beautiful.
